Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our Adventures with Autism are just Beginning!

Bennet was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder last week. Since then, my life has been phone calls with doctors, insurance paperwork, registering with local resources, and adjusting to a new gluten-free, casein-free diet.

The day of the diagnosis was very hard, I'll admit. While I was expecting that he would be diagnosed with ASD, I wasn't prepared for the reality of hearing the words. I know that it doesn't change who Bennet is, but it does change how are family is living. The last week has given me time to cool down and I think I am handling it much better now. We're in the process of enrolling with local resources and Bennet is going to be receiving so much more therapy soon!

Today we got the great news that Dr. Bob Sears has accepted us as new patients! I've been a fan of him and his ideologies since becoming a parent! I kind of feel like I have an appointment with a celebrity! I may get my hair done. And wear some makeup. My husband might get jealous, but come's Dr. Sears!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Lesson for Today

Today, I learned that, although Honda Elements CAN be hosed out, one should not do so unless they enjoy sitting with their feet in a puddle. Next time my car needs to be cleaned out, I think I may go with old fashioned paper towels and cleaner...

Friday, July 23, 2010


After two great years in Japan, we're back in the states, albeit still far from the bulk of the family! I figured now would be as good a time as any to start a new blog. "Loving Life in Japan" seemed to be no longer appropriate for us!

We're going to be quite busy over the next few weeks as we close on our house, move in, and get settled. Check back often for updates and photos!